By participating in these 1-on-1 sessions, I understand and acknowledge the following:
Global Program Notice: This is a worldwide program, and the facilitator may not be licensed or regulated in my specific country, state, or region. The facilitator’s qualifications and certifications are based on their country of residence and may not be recognized in my local jurisdiction.
Nature of Services: The services provided are designed for personal growth and well-being and are not intended as psychological or medical services. These sessions do not constitute psychotherapy, medical advice, or treatment.
No Diagnosis or Treatment: Although the professionals involved are specialized in mental health, these sessions are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical, psychological, or psychiatric conditions. If I require such services, I should seek the assistance of a licensed healthcare professional.
Personal Responsibility: I understand that I am fully responsible for my own decisions and actions during and after the sessions. The facilitator is not liable for any consequences resulting from my participation in these sessions.
Confidentiality: While MyDry30 takes privacy seriously and strives to ensure confidentiality, I understand that no online communication is completely risk-free due to inherent vulnerabilities.
Voluntary Participation: Participation in these sessions is voluntary, and I may choose to discontinue them at any time.
No Guarantees: The facilitator cannot promise specific outcomes, as results will depend on individual circumstances and the effort put in. Everyone’s journey is unique, and progress may look different for each person.
Limitation of Liability: The facilitator and the app provider are not responsible for any damages, losses, or other consequences arising from using the services provided.